My husband and I began Faith5 when the program was introduced at LSLC and we recognize what great value this model has for families and friends.  We’ve been led by God to share this with our children, neighbor friends and my husband’s office staff during the past several weeks.  But it wasn’t until this week that I realized what a powerful icebreaker this is to sharing what God’s presence in our homes means for families of any demographic.

I was getting my haircut Monday and my stylist is someone I’ve been to several times now and we chat easily about our lives so I know that she has a three year old daughter.  Well since I had just attended the Sunday evening meeting about Faith5 at church, I was pretty pumped about it.  It didn’t take long before I was saying, “Let me tell you about this really cool thing we’ve started doing at my church, LS, just down the street.”  (Got that in just in case she wants to visit!)

Managing to be brief, I hit the 5 main steps of Faith5 (Share, Read, Talk, Pray, Bless) while also sharing a bit about some of the info Rich Melheim shared with us the night before at church.  She was very engaged and expressed how “cool” this sounded. It doesn’t matter if she remembers what the strategy is called because she knows what the steps are.  I realized later that Faith5 opens the door to endless Blue Dot moments in our daily conversations and interactions. Imagine all the seeds that can be planted and all the possibilities for God to work in these lives.