A Bumper Sticker…

I was driving downtown to work one morning and was stopped at the stop light.  There was a bumper sticker on a car two cars in front of me.  It said, “There is NO GOD.”  My heart sank.  I was so sad that this person felt that way.  And then God led me to think about the car directly in front of me and I pondered if that person was reading that bumper sticker in front of them.  I wondered if that driver might agree with that bumper sticker and part of me wanted to shout aloud that God IS present and here.  The Spirit urged me to pray right then for that driver–a complete stranger to me, but nevertheless an important child of God.

Dear God, be with both of these drivers as they face their day, face their joys and struggles, and intercede into their lives so they will know you are indeed present and embracing all of us, everyday.  Amen.