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Welcome to the Living Springs Family of Faith

Mission: Secure in God’s love and empowered by the Holy Spirit, we Celebrate and Share the peace of Christ, and seek to Serve according to God’s will.


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Living Springs Lutheran Church, Columbia SC
Living Springs Lutheran Church, Columbia SC10 months ago
Multistreaming with Castr.io
Living Springs Lutheran Church, Columbia SC
Living Springs Lutheran Church, Columbia SC
Living Springs Lutheran Church, Columbia SC10 months ago
Multistreaming with Castr.io
Living Springs Lutheran Church, Columbia SC
Living Springs Lutheran Church, Columbia SC
Living Springs Lutheran Church, Columbia SC10 months ago
"Love is Born" Outdoor Nativity Drama This Weekend! -
Living Springs Lutheran Church, Columbia SC
Living Springs Lutheran Church, Columbia SC10 months ago
John calls people to repent, to clear the decks, to completely reorder their lives so that nothing gets in the way of the Lord’s coming. The reading from Isaiah gives the context for this radical call: the assurance of forgiveness that encourages us to repent; the promise that the coming one will be gentle with the little ones. Isaiah calls us all to be heralds with John, to lift up our voices fearlessly and say, “See, your God is coming!” We say it to one another in worship, in order to say it with our lives in a world in need of justice and peace. #SundayWorship

Permission to podcast / stream the music in this service obtained from ONE LICENSE, License #A-727349 and CCLI Streaming License: CSPL161919. Liturgy from Sundays and Seasons.com. © 2023 Augsburg Fortress. Augsburg Fortress Liturgies Annual License #24216. NRSV Bible, © 1989. Division of Christian Education of the National Council of the Churches of Christ in the United States of America.

O Come, O Come, Emmanuel; Text: Psalteriolum Cantionum Catholicarum, tr. composite; Music: VENI EMMANUEL, French processional

Awake! Awake, and Greet the New Morn; Text: Marty Haugen; Music: REJOICE, REJOICE, Marty Haugen; Text and Music © 1983 GIA Publications, Inc.

Advent Carol, CCLI Song #7228251; Words and music by Beth Kenreich; © 2023 Choristers Guild

O Little Town of Bethlehem; Text: Phillips Brooks; Music: ST. LOUIS, Lewis H. Redner

Away in a Manger; Text: North American; Music: AWAY IN A MANGER, James R. Murray

O Holy Night; Text: John S. Dwight; Music: CANTIQUE DE NOEL, Adolphe Adam

Angels We Have Heard on High; Text: French carol; tr. H. F. Hemy; Music: GLORIA, French carol

Go Tell It on the Mountain; Text: African American spiritual, refrain; John W. Work Jr.; Music: GO TELL IT, African American spiritual

Joy to the World; Text: Isaac Watts; Music: ANTIOCH, English melody, arr. Lowell Mason

Silent Night, Holy Night!; Text: Joseph Mohr, tr. John F. Young; Music: STILLE NACHT, Franz Gruber

On Jordan's Bank the Baptist's Cry; Text: Charles Coffin, tr. composite; Music: PUER NOBIS, European tune, adapt. Michael Praetorius

Light One Candle to Watch for Messiah; Text: Wayne L. Wold; Music: TIF IN VELDELE, Yiddish folk tune; Text © 1984 Fortress Press, admin. Augsburg Fortress

Freedom Is Coming; Text: South African, adapt. Living Springs Lutheran Church; Music: FREEDOM IS COMING, South African; Text and Music © 1984 Utryck, admin. Walton Music Corp
Living Springs Lutheran Church, Columbia SC

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