Third Sunday of Easter 2022

This Sunday will be Day 15 in the ongoing 50-day season of Easter! As shown by Christ’s resurrection, we continue to celebrate the truth that God’s love & hope will always have ultimate victory over death & every power of darkness in the world! Last Sunday, we heard how the Risen Lord came to offer peace to a room of hurting, fearful disciples – and so too, the Spirit finds ways to bring us God’s peace in the midst of all circumstances of life – a peace the world cannot give. If you did not attend a disciple gathering during Lent, we have an in-person opportunity Sunday at 9:15, between services (see below). We are signing dozens of Mother’s Day cards for our Rice Estate ministry, and our bucket offering is now for Lutheran Services Women’s Recovery ministry. Don’t forget the ongoing Disaster offering for Ukraine – as well as the ministry with our adopted Afghani refugee family. On Sunday at 4:15, we have our next Mission Partner ministry with the children of Cristo Rey. We’re very excited about our LS Legrand-Lowman Scholarship Auction on May 7 (see below). Thanks to everyone for your support & ongoing prayers for all these hope-filled expressions of God’s love. Thanks for all your prayers for Pastor Carl – who hopes to be back with us for at least part of Sunday! On Sunday, we hear how the risen Jesus appeared to his disciples to help in their fishing task – and then fed them breakfast after an exhausting night. We hear how Jesus offered forgiveness & renewed purpose for Simon Peter – and how years later, the Risen Christ would do the same for Saul. We marvel at how Jesus broke through so many barriers to help persons move from surviving to thriving and experience the life-changing power of God. Come celebrate the ongoing joy of Easter HOPE this Sunday! #SundayWorship