Sixth Sunday of Easter

Christ is risen indeed! Alleluia! This Sunday, we arrive at day 36 of the glorious 50-day Easter season, rejoicing in Christ’s eternal victory of life & love. We celebrate Youth Sunday, with our Youth sharing special messages of how they have experienced God’s hope in their lives. Our youth inspire us in so many ways with their witness – please be present to show our love & support for these wonderful young disciples! At the 10:30 service, we also rejoice in the baptism of Jace Helms. And it’s a 4th Sunday, so we’ll be packing food bags before & after worship services (see below). What a joyful Sunday it will be! 7 years ago, we sent Living Springs Prayer Bears to the 9 families of the shooting victims at Mother Emmanuel in Charleston. Last Tuesday, the Ladies Bible Study gathered at our sanctuary HOPE cross for a blessing of 13 Prayer Bears, for families of 10 persons killed & 3 injured in the Buffalo shooting. The prayer bears were then driven to Our Savior Lutheran, only ½ mile from the shooting site in Buffalo & the home church of the mother of the security officer who was killed. The bears were received with tears & so much thanks! Please continue to hold this Buffalo neighborhood in prayer, as well as the Taiwanese victims of the Geneva Presbyterian shooting in California. More than that, as God’s people, we must work to stop this murderous hatred of people due to race & nationality. Please speak up whenever you hear anyone spew thoughts of hatred toward others – as we cannot continue to infect young people (or anyone) with the disease of hateful human bigotry! On this 6th Sunday of Easter, we hear many images of hope: Paul is called to a foreign land to share the Good News of Jesus, with Lydia’s whole household being baptized there (Acts 16). Revelation 22 gives us a vision of heaven, with the river of the water of life & the glory of God as its light. Psalm 67 proclaims: “May God be merciful & bless us … let your ways, O God, be known upon earth … let all the peoples praise you!” And Jesus promises us the Holy Spirit, along with words of hope: “My peace I give to you – I do not give as the world gives. Do not let your hearts be troubled, and do not let them be afraid!” (John 14). May the Hope of Jesus fill our souls, as we prepare to gather and give praise to God this Sunday.