Fourth Sunday after Pentecost – 7/3/22

As we move into July, we celebrate the blessing of freedom to live as God’s people in a troubled world. We think about freedom from the Christian perspective of the apostle Paul in last Sunday’s lesson from Galatians – that freedom is a gift from God not to be used for self-indulgence, but rather it is a freedom to live for others & embody Christ’s own example of self-giving love for all the world, which God so loves. We give thanks for all who have sacrificed so much for the blessing of liberty in our lives. On this 4 th Sunday after Pentecost, we hear Jesus speak about sending laborers into a plentiful harvest. Jesus then sends out 70 of his followers to work deeds of power & hope in people’s lives – and later they return rejoicing for what God made possible through them. Last Sunday, we sent out 7 youth for a week of confirmation camp, and they return today! You would be so proud of all the ways they grew deeper in faith and let the light of Christ shine for so many people at camp this week. They are truly amazing young disciples – and a powerful witness for all of us adults (… who sometimes need urging to move out of our own comfort zones to let the light of Christ shine more brightly in us). Remember to look at the weekly e-news about plans for “Christmas in July” at Living Springs, including our mid-summer dove tree for children in Family Promise’s summer Camp Impact. And don’t forget to #SundayWorship