Seventh Sunday after Pentecost

Here, on the 7th Sunday after Pentecost, Psalm 138 has words of encouragement for us all: “When I called, O Lord, you answered me – you increased my strength within me. You will make good your purpose for me – O Lord, your steadfast love endures forever!” We had a wonderful celebration of Christmas in July this past Sunday – and an amazing Wednesday providing supper for nearly 100 children served by various homeless ministries, at Camp Impact. This Sunday, we offer a blessing for our 11 youth & 4 adults who are headed out on their Mystery Mission trip. Please keep this group in your prayers throughout the week ahead. The youth are delivering canned goods to the food pantry supported by the Host Lutheran Church in our mystery city – please respond to their drive for 720 canned goods in 72 hours, by bringing of canned goods to place at the altar this Sunday. Also, don’t forget the summer Red Cross Blood Drive here at LS next Wednesday! On Sunday, we have a special gift of musical praise, with youth member Lauren Bloss offering liturgical dance & Deacon Lexanne as soloist. “Amazing Grace, My Chains are Gone” was voted as our sending hymn – and we are excited to have Pastor Carl back in the pulpit with an inspirational message! If you can’t be here in person at either 8:15 or 10:30, you can still worship online at 10:30 or from the parking lot with FM transmitter. Whatever way is best for you … Sunday, we hear Jesus teaching about the importance of prayer – including the Lord’s Prayer he gave us, with words from Luke’s Gospel: “Father, hallowed be your name. – your kingdom come – give us each day our daily bread – And forgive us our sins, as we forgive everyone indebted to us – and do not bring us into the time of trial.” Amen. Amen. Amen! We look forward to worshipping together on this Sunday of special blessing & prayer! #SundayWorship