“Contemporary Encounters of Growing in Hope” New Life & Hope (based on Mary/Martha/Lazarus)
“Contemporary Encounters of Growing in Hope” New Life & Hope (based on Mary/Martha/Lazarus)
“Contemporary Encounters of Growing in Hope” Belonging (based on Woman at the Well)
In today’s gospel the Samaritan woman asks Jesus for water, an image of our thirst for God. Jesus offers living water, a sign of God’s grace flowing from the waters of baptism. The early church used this gospel and those of the next two Sundays to deepen baptismal reflection during the final days of preparation…
“Contemporary Encounters of Growing in Hope” Spiritual Yearning (based on Nicodemus)
During Lent we journey with all those around the world who will be baptized at the Easter Vigil. In today’s gospel Jesus tells Nicodemus that he must be born of water and Spirit. At the font we are a given a new birth as children of God. As God made a covenant with Abraham, in…
“Contemporary Encounters of Growing in Hope” Temptation in the Wilderness
We pray that you have felt God’s presence and love in your life this week, in every way you have needed that reassurance and strength! We continue to hold in our prayers all affected by the Turkey-Syrian earthquake, the war in Ukraine, & ongoing acts of violence in so many communities… This weekend is the…
Jesus begins his Public ministry by calling fishers to leave their nets and follow him. In Jesus the kingdom of God has come near. We who have walked in darkness have seen a great light. We see the light most profoundly in the cross-as God suffers with us and all who are oppressed by sickness…
Today’s gospel opens with further reflection on Jesus’ baptism. He is the Lamb of God who takes away the sin of the world and the one anointed by the Spirit. In the liturgy we come and see Christ revealed among us in word and meal. We go forth to invite others to come and worship…
From the beginning, through baptism, we are called Christian. We are “Christ-ened” at the font. Bearing Christ’s name, we share the same Father and are invited to address this parent intimately: Abba! Jesus bears our sins in humble obedience to the will of God. Today we pray that the mind of Christ, whose name we…