Sermons by Rev. Carl Taylor (Page 9)

Seventh Sunday of Easter – 5/16/2021

On this 7th Sunday of Easter, we ponder some hope-filled events surrounding Jesus’ ascension (which we celebrated this past Thursday, 40 days following Jesus’ Resurrection).  We begin to prepare our hearts for the great celebration of the Holy Spirit on Pentecost, only 1 week away.  At 10:30 Sunday, we celebrate the Baptism of little Maggie…

5th Sunday of Easter 2021

Here in spring, on this 5th Sunday of Easter, Jesus uses images of creation to bring us hope:  Jesus is the vine and we are the branches, with God the Creator as the vinegrower.  Pastor Carl has an inspiring message about being branches, with God as our vinedresser.  I will share a special Children’s Message,…

5th Sunday in Lent

We continue to find deep joy in our Lenten theme, “A Story to Tell: God is Love!”  On this 5th Sunday in Lent, Jesus speaks about a single grain of wheat which must be planted to sprout and bear an abundance of fruitful grain.  He points to how he will sacrifice himself in death and…

Third sunday in Lent

On this 3rd Sunday in Lent, we hear Jesus speak about the temple of his body being raised to new life. We are reminded of the Ten Commandments – and the apostle Paul tells us how in the cross, we see even God’s weakness is mightier than the greatest human strength. The words of Psalm…