Sermons by Rev. Eric Fink (Page 5)

Christ the King Sunday

This week is Christ the King Sunday, the final Sunday of our Christian year. We have special choir music, plus a beautiful handbell trio of “How Great Thou Art!” Worship concludes with the shred-planting of last year’s discipleship intents – which have been such a witness, hanging on the HOPE Lighthouse Beacon in the sanctuary…

All Saints Sunday 2022

In holy baptism God makes saints out of sinners. In holy communion God forgives the sins of all the saints. In worship today we give thanks for all the saints “who from their labors rest.” In the same breath we petition our God for the strength to hear and to heed the admonitions of Jesus…

Twentieth Sunday after Pentecost

Genuine repentance and pretentious piety stand in stark contrast in the gospel and all around us. All creation stands in need of God’s forgiveness. Keep the faith. God’s people shall be accounted righteous for Jesus’ sake. Our God is merciful to sinners. For this we worship and glorify God forever. #SundayWorship

Eighteenth Sunday after Pentecost

     It has been a stressful week in our community – especially with the false school shooting alarms.  Please hold in prayer our students and educators and their families – as well as our society – as we walk together thru these days.  In the midst of life’s ups and downs and the fleetingness…

Fourteenth Sunday after Pentecost – 9/11/22 – “God’s Work. Our Hands.” Sunday

“God’s work. Our hands”/Fourteenth Sunday after Pentecost This weekend, we join Lutheran Christians across the land for our annual “God’s Work, Our Hands” Servant Sunday. At LS, we’ll prepare 140 old-fashioned Sunday dinners for first responders, Meals-on-Wheels recipients, and those without homes. Kitchen helpers will start cooking at 9am. At 11:45, volunteers are needed to…

12th Sunday after Pentecost

12th Sunday After Pentecost On this 12 th Sunday after Pentecost, we are blessed with special music from Disciples of Harmony – and we are very excited to kick off our new G.I.F.T. Worship Experience that will make worship even more special for all children & parents. We hear Jesus speak about the power of…

Rally Day – 11th Sunday After Pentecost – 8/21/22

We’re all very excited about our big Rally Day celebration this Sunday for the whole congregation and friends – with our theme, “See HOPE More Clearly!” There’s one UNITY WORSHIP SERVICE at 10:30, with special sharing from our youth, families, and adults. The service concludes with a joyful HOPE procession and our congregation photo. We…

9th Sunday after Pentecost – 8/7/22

What an amazing worship experience last week – with Pastor Carl’s sermon, Pastor Eric’s children message, the Thanksgiving moment with our youth returning from their Mission Trip, and the moving solo by Seminarian Adriana that brought tears to many, many eyes (“Give Me Jesus”). If you weren’t able to be here last week, you can…

8th Sunday after Pentecost

Here, on the 8th Sunday after Pentecost, we hear Jesus’ warning about the lure of greed and his profound parable about a “foolish” man who receives many blessings, but decides to build bigger barns to keep these blessings for himself and his own future security (Luke 12:13-21). The New Testament lesson from Colossian 3 encourages…

Sixth Sunday after Pentecost/Christmas in July

Excitement is building for our special “Christmas in July” celebration this Sunday and (amid the ongoing challenges of life in the world) the opportunity to celebrate the good news of God’s love for “all the people” and “a Savior born for you” – Jesus, Emmanuel, God with us! On Sunday, we have Christmas music at…