Sermons by Rev. Eric Fink (Page 9)

3rd Sunday after Pentecost

On this 3rd Sunday after Pentecost, we hear 2 of Jesus’ beautiful parables, comparing the Kingdom of God to a great shrub providing shade & respite, grown from a tiny mustard seed – and a bountiful harvest produced from someone simply scattering seed on the ground (Mark 4:26-34). We are uplifted by words of Paul…

Pentecost sunday – 5/23/2021

Oh, what a joyous Sunday this will be, with our celebratory Pentecost worship!  We remember how the disciples waited 10 days for the Ascended Jesus to fulfill the great promise of the pouring out of the Holy Spirit – and how on Pentecost, that Holy Spirit came rushing into their room with the sound of…

Sixth Sunday of Easter 5/9/2021

On this 6th Sunday of Easter, we hear Jesus’ uplifting message about abiding in his love, so that his joy may be within us, and our joy may be complete!  Jesus calls us “friends” and reminds us that he has chosen us! Rejoicing in God’s love, we offer prayers of blessing for our moms, grandmoms…

Hope Sunday – 4th Sunday of Easter

This 4th Sunday of Easter is known as Good Shepherd Sunday, as each spring, we ponder the beautiful image of Jesus as our Loving Shepherd.  We are inspired by the words of the 23rd Psalm and reminded of the green pasture/still waters to which our Lord leads us, amid the challenges of life and brokenness…

Fourth sunday of Lent

On this 4th Sunday in Lent, we hear how God’s people struggled with impatience during their wilderness journey to new life in the promised land.  We hear how God responded with a means of healing -and celebrate the NT message that we have been saved by God’s grace as a gift of love.  We hear…

First Sunday in Lent 2/21/21

This Sunday, we hear how Jesus (after his baptism by John) goes into the wilderness to defeat the Tempter and is waited on by angels. As we face the wilderness spaces of our lives, we rejoice that we need not do so alone, but are accompanied by Jesus, who goes with us into all our…

Transfiguration of Our Lord Sunday

This Sunday, we hear how God appears in the transfiguration of Jesus to give affirmation to doubting, fearful, and confused disciples – at just the time they need it. So too, God comes to us amidst any times of doubt, fear, and uncertainty – through the Light of Jesus to affirm our transformation as disciples…

5th Sunday after Epiphany

On this 5th Sunday in the Epiphany season of light, we hear how Jesus came into a family home to give hope to a suffering woman, who is raised up to serve the Lord. We marvel at the blessing of a God who spans the universe and yet comes among us to life up the…

4th Sunday after Epiphany – 1/31/2021

On this 4th Sunday in the Epiphany season of light, we behold the “astounding” teaching of Jesus, which expresses itself in the power of God’s love to free human life from darkness.  We contemplate the power of God’s love in Jesus to set us free from anything that possesses our lives and prevents us from…