14th Sunday after Pentecost 9/6/20

This Sunday, we hear Jesus’ words to his disciples about being persistent in lives of forgiveness & reconciliation with others. Even though this is not always easy for us, we have Jesus’ promise that he is with us. We hear the apostle Paul’s encouragement for us to put on the armor of light – to dress our hearts and lives in the light of Christ’s love! On this Labor Day weekend, we give thanks for all who labor in love every day in so many different ways – to fill this hurting world with the light of God’s hope. We give thanks for those from generations gone by, who have carried out the work of God’s love in the world – and in our own lives. And we give thanks for our own jobs, past & present. We pray for those who are struggling with under-employment / unemployment – for laborers throughout the world who are often overlooked and forgotten – especially so many who continue to put themselves at risk in this COVID world.