This Sunday, we hear the story of Jonah in the Old Testament, who became angry when God forgave his enemies, the people of Ninevah (Jonah 3:10-4:11). We hear Jesus’ parable (Matthew 20:1-16) about an owner who goes out again and again to find persons for his vineyard – and no matter whether the owner came upon them early or late, he graciously gives everyone the same full amount of blessing. We are called to reflect on living our own lives with a spirit of GRATITUDE – not blinded by what we think we or others deserve, but filled with joy over the grace of God given to all. From prison, the apostle Paul writes to the early Christians in Philippi, to encourage them in their gracious gift of faith, even in their own time of challenge & difficulty (Philippians 1:21-30). We join together in proclaiming the beautiful words of Psalm 145: “I will exalt you, my God – every day will I bless you and praise your name forever and ever…. The Lord is gracious & full of compassion, slow to anger & abounding in steadfast love!”