As we move into the weekend of setting back our clocks – with so many challenges in the world – we are reminded of the sure & certain steadfast love of God that never changes and is always there for us, growing hope for life in this world & beyond! We pray you have sensed God’s steadfast love for you this week, in every way. We had such an incredible celebration of Reformation last weekend. If you weren’t here for the Confirmation of Alyssa, Dallas, Josh, Lucas, Parker, and Wesley, please go to our YouTube page and be inspired by their commitments, as well as their faith videos. We give thanks for all who helped with our Reformation Trunk ‘r Treat. The parking lot was filled with 100’s; what a tremendous way to end the day! This is All Saints Sunday. We light candles at the baptismal font and offer special prayers of remembrance for those who passed to life in the Church Triumphant during the past year. We celebrate the gift of God’s grace that we are ALL saints: people set apart by God for God’s purposes, through our baptism, to be daily instruments of God’s growing hope in the world. We’re excited about preparations for Intent Sunday on Nov. 12, with a theme of “Next Steps” in our Journey with Jesus. We’re all asked to prayerfully consider next steps in our journey of worship, devotion, study, faith growth, and service – as well as next steps of Generosity in our giving to the Lord. Intent cards will be placed in sealed prayer envelopes and offered in a path of sand at Jesus’ feet, to symbolize our personal & family commitments to take next steps in the Journey with Jesus. If you haven’t received your Intent Card at church or in the mail, please call the office so a Team member can deliver yours. Mark your calendars for our big Annual Meeting on Nov. 12 between worship services. We need a quorum to elect council members, adopt our 2024 spending plan and constitutional updates – so everyone, please attend. Don’t forget our Veterans Remembrance Witting Tree ceremonies each day from Nov. 1 through Nov. 11, with prayers and the hanging on dog-tags on our Veterans tree. For All Saints Sunday, we have music from Disciples of Harmony and a powerful message from Pastor Carl. We hear Jesus’ blessings from his Sermon on the Mount and images from Revelation of the saints in light, gathered around the throne of Christ the Lamb! Words from I John inspire us: “See what love the Father has given us, that we should be called children of God, and that is what we are!” We look forward to being together Sunday as God’s children, worshipping with all the saints of heaven! Christ’s peace!