Fifth Sunday after Epiphany

As the sun re-appears this weekend, we give thanks for the never-dimming light of hope that shines on us always in God’s Son! In this season of Epiphany, we remember how Jesus brought hope to so many lives in his ministry of love and grace. Last week, we heard Jesus share God’s blessings with the poor in spirit, the meek, the merciful, the persecuted, the grieving, those working for peace and hungering for God’s righteous justice in the world. This Sunday, we continue with more hope-filled words of Jesus from his famous Sermon on the Mount. He shares Good News of affirmation with his listeners: “YOU are the Light of the World, YOU are the salt of the earth!” Yes, those are Jesus words of promise for you as well! On Sunday, we will find great blessing in the light that shines in our amazing Youth. For Youth Sunday, they will be leading worship with wonderful music and their own uplifting message. Our youth can be overwhelmed by so much happening in their world, so I encourage all of us to be here Sunday to show our support & love & gratitude for them, and every way that the light of Jesus shines so brightly in them! Tonight (Saturday) is our annual Scholarship Auction & Chili Cook-off, starting at 6 in the fellowship hall. This is not only a wonderful time of fellowship, but a great gift of hope, as we raise funds for our Legrand-Lowman Scholarship Fund, that is such a great blessing for all our own college students, as well as students from our partner Mission church. Thanks to all who have donated wonderful items & gift baskets for the auction! Everyone come out and let your light shine, by being part of this special evening! In Sunday’s gospel, we hear Jesus speak the very words shared with us at our Baptism: “Let your light shine before others, that they may see your good works and give glory to your Father in Heaven.” We give thanks for all the ways your light shines so brightly to bring hope into people’s lives every day. We look forward to worshipping together Sunday – as we gather in the light of Christ! God’s peace!