Fifth Sunday after Pentecost – 7/10/22

On this 5th Sunday after Pentecost, we hear 2 “great” commandments: to love the Lord your God with all your heart, soul, mind & strength – and to love your neighbor as yourself. We hear a man try to justify himself by limiting who qualifies as his neighbor – and how Jesus responds with one of his most famous parables, which forces the man to consider that his neighbor includes people like even a Samaritan, whom he would like to exclude on the basis of racial, ethnic, religious, and national prejudices. We deeply ponder the man’s original question to Jesus in our own hearts, “And who is my neighbor?” We offer special prayers for our youth & adults who will be participating in this week’s GraceWorks Servant Days – and showing love for so many neighbors in need here in the Midlands. LS is also helping to sponsor a Graceworks afternoon event for local Refugee children on Wednesday – and we are preparing for our big celebration of Christmas in July on July 17th. This is our 2nd Summer Hope Sunday, and we have a special visit from Terri Pope of Family Promise homeless ministry. Be sure not to miss her presentation between Worship Services – and don’t forget our Family Promise Children’s Dove Tree and our big upcoming Family Promise Camp Impact meal on July 20. Disciples of Harmony are offering another very inspiring anthem this Sunday. We continue our Summer Sending Hymn voting – with “10,000 Reasons” winning for this Sunday. Richland has dropped to a medium transmission yellow county, so COVID protocols have softened, with face coverings only being recommended, and the option of intinction for Holy Communion again available. The words of Sunday’s Psalm 25 resound in our hearts as we prepare to worship this weekend: “To you, O Lord, I lift up my soul. My God, I put my trust in you – show me your ways, O Lord & teach me your paths – remember, O Lord, your compassion & love, for they are from everlasting!” Whether in person, online, or from the parking lot, come be part of worship this Sunday, as we celebrate the blessings of God’s steadfast love in our lives! #SundayWorship