“Glory to God in the highest, and peace to God’s people on earth!” Here, in the great 12-day season of Christmas, the praise & prayer of angels continue to inspire our ongoing celebration of Christ’s birth. While society has moved on from its holiday and now focuses on a secular New Year’s Eve, we followers of Jesus continue to focus on our hearts & homes on the great gift of a Savior born for us and for the world! This Sunday, we again have one worship time at 9:30am, the joyful Service of Lessons & Carols, with readings and carols that help us focus on this 12-day season – plus special music from youth instrument solo, guitar, and anthem by Disciples of Harmony. The service will also be livestreamed, so please share with family & friends wherever they may be. Our Christmas Eve worship experiences were so amazing, with the special music, solos, instruments, candle-lighting & messages. The Christmas Eve morning & evening worship are available on our LS YouTube channel & Facebook page. Please continue to share them with others on your social media. We have a few days left in our big Advent/Christmas food drive for Christian Assistance Bridge, with a goal of 2023 food items as “birthday gifts” for Jesus. Food can be brought to church thru next Wednesday. Mark your calendars for our Epiphany Eve Campfire Fellowship & Service, next Friday, Jan. 5. You can drop in any time between 5:00 & 6:30. Finally, don’t forget our special Year-End Giving Drive. All year-end offerings are important, as we seek to end 2023 on a positive note, giving thanks to God for all the incredible ways that God uses the ministry of LS to grow hope in so many lives. Offerings can be brought to church by Dec. 31, or you can give from anywhere using our LS Givelify app. We leave you with words from our closing song this Sunday: “Jesus, Jesus, oh what a wonderful child. New life, new hope the child will bring – listen to the angels sing, “Glory, glory, glory, let the heavens ring!” We look forward to worshipping together this Sunday for the special service of Lessons & Carols! Merry Christmas & Christ’ Peace! #SundayWorship