Fourth Sunday of Easter/Mother’s Day 2022

This Sunday is day #22 of the ongoing 50-Day Easter Season, as we continue to rejoice in Christ’s victory of life & love – and the HOPE which fills our hearts to carry us through all life’s challenges. The words of the Risen Jesus continue to echo in our hearts, “Peace be with you!” This weekend, we give thanks to God for the blessing of all mothers, grandmothers, and other caring women in our lives. We also remember those who carry heavy hearts on Mother’s Day, or yearn for healing in family relationships. In worship Sunday, there will be 2 special prayer petitions: one for us to name aloud and ask for God’s blessing for our living mothers & grandmothers; another to name aloud and give thanks to God for all our dearly departed mothers & grandmothers. Handbells will have special music at 10:30 – and we celebrate the quilting ministry in our congregation, with annual blessing of the Quilts. On this 4th Sunday of Easter, we have Scripture readings that give special meaning for Mother’s Day. We hear the wonderful story of Dorcas from the book of Acts. There is the beautiful image from Revelation of all the saints in light gathered around the throne of the Lamb, singing God’s praises forever. We hear Jesus’ own words, as a loving shepherd who cares for his sheep and offers eternal life – and we join together in uplifting the beautiful words of the beloved 23rd Psalm. Indeed, the Lord is our Shepherd, we shall not want! We look forward to celebrating that joyful truth Sunday – there is no better way to honor or remember mom than by being in worship this special weekend. Come celebrate the ongoing joy of Easter HOPE this Sunday!