Sermons (Page 10)

Name of Jesus Sunday – 1/1/2023

From the beginning, through baptism, we are called Christian. We are “Christ-ened” at the font. Bearing Christ’s name, we share the same Father and are invited to address this parent intimately: Abba! Jesus bears our sins in humble obedience to the will of God. Today we pray that the mind of Christ, whose name we…

Christmas Day 202

As on the first day of creation, on this Christmas Day the Word illumines the world, shining forth to bring all things into being. Today we celebrate the incarnate Word, God becoming flesh to live among us in the person of Jesus Christ then and now. Emboldened by the good news of Christ’s birth, along…

Fourth Sunday In Advent

As we approach the final week of Advent, we sense the light of God’s hope shining in our lives, and the call to prepare the way of the Lord brings meaning in deep and powerful ways amid all life’s challenges! Excitement is growing for our big Live Outdoor Nativity, Saturday and Sunday night at 7.…

Third Sunday in Advent

Rejoice! Prepare the way of the Lord! In these Advent days, Christ truly comes to us in powerful ways, to bring a deep joy & hope in our lives. Sunday, we have our big congregation Emotional-Mental Health & Wellness Gathering in the fellowship hall, starting at 9:20. We encourage everyone to be there, as we…

Second Sunday in Advent – 12/4/23

At the heart of our Advent preparation stands John the Baptist, who calls us to repent and make a new beginning. As the darkness increases we turn toward the approaching light of Christ. For Christians he is the root of Jesse, the righteous judge who welcomes all, especially the poor and meek of the earth.…

Christ the King Sunday

This week is Christ the King Sunday, the final Sunday of our Christian year. We have special choir music, plus a beautiful handbell trio of “How Great Thou Art!” Worship concludes with the shred-planting of last year’s discipleship intents – which have been such a witness, hanging on the HOPE Lighthouse Beacon in the sanctuary…

Twenty-Third Sunday after Pentecost

Generosity Intent Sunday On this 23rd Sunday after Pentecost, we hear Jesus’ words about ominous things that occur in the world – and yet, he reminds us to not be afraid, because he is with us to provide what we need to be faithful in our witness. Paul reminds us not to be idle in…

All Saints Sunday 2022

In holy baptism God makes saints out of sinners. In holy communion God forgives the sins of all the saints. In worship today we give thanks for all the saints “who from their labors rest.” In the same breath we petition our God for the strength to hear and to heed the admonitions of Jesus…

Twentieth Sunday after Pentecost

Genuine repentance and pretentious piety stand in stark contrast in the gospel and all around us. All creation stands in need of God’s forgiveness. Keep the faith. God’s people shall be accounted righteous for Jesus’ sake. Our God is merciful to sinners. For this we worship and glorify God forever. #SundayWorship