Sermons (Page 18)

1oth Sunday after Pentecost – 8/1/2021

  This Sunday, we hear Jesus beautiful promise, “I am the bread of life!”  In a hungering world, we give thanks for the nourishment of God’s grace, forgiveness, and love that Jesus brought for all humanity.  Our souls and lives are filled to overflowing each Sunday when we are fed with Christ’s own body &…

9th Sunday after Pentecost

It’s been great to be back with so many of you at worship in-person (as well as all who continue to worship online) – and this Sunday, we welcome home Pastor Carl & family! We hear the beautiful story of how Jesus had compassion on a crowd of thousands – and fed them all, with…

8th Sunday after Pentecost – 7/18/2021

     This Sunday, we hear beautiful words of Psalm 23 – images of still waters & green pastures –  and we marvel at all the ways the Lord, our loving shepherd, leads us to needed moments of peace and spaces of grace in life.  We continue to lift up in prayer so many lives that…

7th Sunday After Pentecost 2021

     This week, we have held in prayer all those facing storm Elsa – and yet also know that there are many other types of storms we face in life.   In the midst of any such storms that have come your way, we pray you have felt the presence of Christ your Shepherd, the mighty…

6th Sunday after Pentecost

On this 4th of July weekend, we give thanks to God for the blessing of freedom – and for all who sacrificed so much throughout history to inspire US to fulfill the dream of liberty & justice for everyone, regardless of human-created barriers, labels, divisions.  For the 6th Sunday after Pentecost, we hear the sad story…

5th Sunday after Pentecost

On this 5th Sunday after Pentecost, we hear 2 inspiring stories of how Jesus brought hope – to a family with a sick child and a woman who had been struggling for many years with a debilitating disease.  Whatever our own struggles, we know that the power of God’s love in Jesus still brings hope…

Fourth Sunday After Pentecost – 6/20/21

On this 4th Sunday after Pentecost, we hear Jesus utter the words, “Peace! Be Still!” – and wind & waves are reduced to a calm, giving hope to disciples being rocked in their little boat. Sometimes, we can feel tossed around by life’s storms. Yet, the voice of Jesus still rings out, “Peace! Be Still!”…

3rd Sunday after Pentecost

On this 3rd Sunday after Pentecost, we hear 2 of Jesus’ beautiful parables, comparing the Kingdom of God to a great shrub providing shade & respite, grown from a tiny mustard seed – and a bountiful harvest produced from someone simply scattering seed on the ground (Mark 4:26-34). We are uplifted by words of Paul…