Sermons (Page 18)

6th Sunday after Pentecost

On this 4th of July weekend, we give thanks to God for the blessing of freedom – and for all who sacrificed so much throughout history to inspire US to fulfill the dream of liberty & justice for everyone, regardless of human-created barriers, labels, divisions.  For the 6th Sunday after Pentecost, we hear the sad story…

5th Sunday after Pentecost

On this 5th Sunday after Pentecost, we hear 2 inspiring stories of how Jesus brought hope – to a family with a sick child and a woman who had been struggling for many years with a debilitating disease.  Whatever our own struggles, we know that the power of God’s love in Jesus still brings hope…

Fourth Sunday After Pentecost – 6/20/21

On this 4th Sunday after Pentecost, we hear Jesus utter the words, “Peace! Be Still!” – and wind & waves are reduced to a calm, giving hope to disciples being rocked in their little boat. Sometimes, we can feel tossed around by life’s storms. Yet, the voice of Jesus still rings out, “Peace! Be Still!”…

3rd Sunday after Pentecost

On this 3rd Sunday after Pentecost, we hear 2 of Jesus’ beautiful parables, comparing the Kingdom of God to a great shrub providing shade & respite, grown from a tiny mustard seed – and a bountiful harvest produced from someone simply scattering seed on the ground (Mark 4:26-34). We are uplifted by words of Paul…

2nd Sunday after Pentecost

This weekend will be very inspiring, as we celebrate Youth Sunday and offer the Quillow Faith Milestone Blessing for 3 HS graduates – Ben, Emma, Walker.  Our youth met Tuesday night to plan, gathered on Wednesday to prepare special music, and spent Friday evening at church to go over their worship roles & special messages…


The gospel talks about Jesus’ Family and so will I this morning because FAMILY is important….I hope this blesses you this Sunday and beyond. Amen

2nd Sunday after Pentecost

This weekend will be very inspiring, as we celebrate Youth Sunday and offer the Quillow Faith Milestone Blessing for 3 HS graduates – Ben, Emma, Walker.  Our youth met Tuesday night to plan, gathered on Wednesday to prepare special music, and spent Friday evening at church to go over their worship roles & special messages…

Pentecost sunday – 5/23/2021

Oh, what a joyous Sunday this will be, with our celebratory Pentecost worship!  We remember how the disciples waited 10 days for the Ascended Jesus to fulfill the great promise of the pouring out of the Holy Spirit – and how on Pentecost, that Holy Spirit came rushing into their room with the sound of…