Sermons (Page 20)

Easter Sunday

Christ is risen! Jesus is alive, and God has swallowed up death forever. With Mary Magdalene, Mary the mother of James, and Salome, we may feel astonished and confused, unsure of what to make of the empty tomb. But this is why we gather: to proclaim, witness, praise, and affirm the liberating reality of Christ’s…

Good Friday

The dimly-lighted sanctuary serves as a reminder of the awful consequence of sin and the darkness that feel upon the earth on the Friday when Jesus was crucified. “And it was the sixth hour, and there was darkness over all the earth until the ninth hour.”    Tenebrae is a Latin word meaning shadow or darkness, and the…

Maundy Thursday

This evening our Lenten observance comes to an end, and we gather with Christians around the world to celebrate the Three Days of Jesus’ death and resurrection. Tonight we remember Christ’s last meal with his disciples, but the central focus is his commandment that we live out the promise embodied in this meal. As Jesus…

5th Sunday in Lent

We continue to find deep joy in our Lenten theme, “A Story to Tell: God is Love!”  On this 5th Sunday in Lent, Jesus speaks about a single grain of wheat which must be planted to sprout and bear an abundance of fruitful grain.  He points to how he will sacrifice himself in death and…

Fourth sunday of Lent

On this 4th Sunday in Lent, we hear how God’s people struggled with impatience during their wilderness journey to new life in the promised land.  We hear how God responded with a means of healing -and celebrate the NT message that we have been saved by God’s grace as a gift of love.  We hear…

Third sunday in Lent

On this 3rd Sunday in Lent, we hear Jesus speak about the temple of his body being raised to new life. We are reminded of the Ten Commandments – and the apostle Paul tells us how in the cross, we see even God’s weakness is mightier than the greatest human strength. The words of Psalm…

First Sunday in Lent 2/21/21

This Sunday, we hear how Jesus (after his baptism by John) goes into the wilderness to defeat the Tempter and is waited on by angels. As we face the wilderness spaces of our lives, we rejoice that we need not do so alone, but are accompanied by Jesus, who goes with us into all our…

Transfiguration of Our Lord Sunday

This Sunday, we hear how God appears in the transfiguration of Jesus to give affirmation to doubting, fearful, and confused disciples – at just the time they need it. So too, God comes to us amidst any times of doubt, fear, and uncertainty – through the Light of Jesus to affirm our transformation as disciples…

5th Sunday after Epiphany

On this 5th Sunday in the Epiphany season of light, we hear how Jesus came into a family home to give hope to a suffering woman, who is raised up to serve the Lord. We marvel at the blessing of a God who spans the universe and yet comes among us to life up the…