Second Sunday after Pentecost – 6/19/22

“Let those who seek the Lord give praise!” Those beautiful words of Psalm 22 will ring out in our hearts and voices this Sunday! It’s been a hot week with a lot still happening in the news. In the midst of it all, we cling to the “Amazing Grace” of God, who is our “Rock of Ages” (images from two wonderful hymns we hear this Sunday). So, on Sunday, we gather to give praise to the Lord, our amazing God who throughout history, has remained faithful to promises of grace and love and strength this world cannot provide. I pray you have felt that grace & love & strength in your life this week! This Sunday will be a time of special prayer. For Father’s Day, we each lift up to God the names of our fathers, grandfathers, and others who have played fatherly roles in our lives (either living or deceased). We also light a candle of hope – and join in prayer with sisters & brothers in Christ across SC and the world in Commemoration of the Emanuel 9, who were martyred in Charleston on June 17 seven years ago. Our gospel lesson for Sunday will be the very same passage that these disciples were discussing in Bible study that night (Mark 4:1-20, Jesus’ Parable of the Sower). In prayer, we speak the names of Clementa, Cynthia, Daniel, DePayne, Ethel, Myra, Sharonda, Susie, and Tywanza – and renew our commitment to be people who speak out whenever we hear anyone utter or post words of racism, hatred, bigotry, or supremacy. On Thursday, Richland County (along with Lexington & Fairfield) officially became RED, HIGH TRANSMISSION COVID counties, so per our policy, we ask everyone for this week to use your face masks. Worship continues to be available online and via FM transmitter in the parking lot. On this 2nd Sunday after Pentecost, we hear the apostle Paul’s beautiful words of Galatians 3: “In Christ Jesus, you are ALL children of God through faith – there is no longer Jew nor Greek, slave or free, male and female, for all of you are one in Christ Jesus!” With all the world’s divisions, come celebrate the unity we share as God’s children – and give praise to the Lord this Sunday! #SundayWorship