SEcond Sunday of Easter

2nd Sunday of Easter Christ Is Risen! Alleluia! The joyful sounds of Easter morning continue to echo in our hearts & minds! The HOPE of God that burst forth from the tomb truly was felt in worship on Easter Sunday with all the singing, bells, butterflies, flowers, prayers and praise of God – and now that HOPE is carried into our lives, to be lived out in the world each day, as we share the victory of God’s love with others! How wonderful it was to celebrate our Risen Lord with a full sanctuary last Sunday morning – in addition to well over 100 folks viewing on line, plus all those at sunrise service, early service, and the Emmaus evening communion. Thanks be to God! On this 2nd Sunday of Easter, we remember how the risen Lord Jesus appeared to the disciples in their locked room of fear, offering them Peace and showing them his hands & side, with his scars of love for the world. The risen Jesus even makes a 2nd trip to that same room a week later to bring blessing to the disciple Thomas amidst his doubts. “Remember…,” the messengers from God told the women at the tomb; and so we remember the victory of God’s love over death & all the brokenness of our world. Just as Jesus showed up for the disciples the Sunday AFTER Easter, so too the Risen Lord will be present here this Sunday among us, to share God’s gifts of peace & hope – and reveal himself to us in the breaking of the bread, with Holy Communion. We look forward to being together in worship with the Risen Jesus this Sunday!