Seventh Sunday of Easter – 5/29/22

Christ is risen indeed! Alleluia! This Sunday, we arrive at day 43 of the glorious 50-day Easter season, which culminates in just one more week, with the great celebration of Pentecost on June 5. (Note: this past Thursday, day 40 of Easter season, was the Day of Ascension, when Christians across the world remember how the Risen Jesus ascended to heaven 40 days after his Resurrection. 10 days then passed from Jesus’ Ascension to the Day of Pentecost, when Jesus’ promise was fulfilled and the Holy Spirit filled the apostles with power to go out & proclaim the Good News in many languages to people gathered in Jerusalem). With all that is happening in our world, we truly need reminders of the ultimate power of God’s love to overcome evil, pain, suffering, and even death itself. On this Sunday of Memorial Day weekend, we light four special Prayer Candles of Hope at the Baptismal Font: 1 for Uvalde, TX and all the victims of recent shootings; 1 for Memorial Day and all who gave the ultimate sacrifice for our freedom; 1 for LS ongoing ministry with our adopted Afghani family; and 1 for the people of Ukraine & peace in Europe. With our annual Quillowing Faith Milestone, at the 10:30 service, we rejoice in the HOPE represented in the lives of our High School Graduates: Sydnie Taylor & True Asher. This is also such an emotional time of prayer – and we look forward to lifting up these wonderful young people in prayer! On this 7th Sunday of Easter, we again hear many images of much-needed hope from the Scriptures: in spite of difficult circumstances & human hatred, God works through Paul & Silas to free a young woman from human trafficking, and bring hope to a jailer his entire family (Acts 16). We hear the final verses of the entire Bible from Revelation 22, expressing the hope of that day when Christ will come again to establish God’s love & justice upon earth. Psalm 97 encourages all “who love the Lord to have evil.” And Jesus prays that in the power of God’s love, we all may be one, just as he & his Heavenly Father are one (John 17). May we truly be one in the love of God, as we gather to pray deeply for God’s HOPE in our lives & the world on this next-to-last Sunday of Easter season. #SundayWorship