Third Sunday after Pentecost

Here at the end of a sweltering hot week, we are reminded of even the simplest joy in a summer rain shower, the shade provided by a tree, or the coolness of a small breeze.  In Sunday’s lessons, we hear about another type of heat – caused when we human beings fail to love our neighbors as ourselves, leading to strife, anger, quarrels, dissensions, factions, envy .. and more.  In the Gospel, Jesus even has to rebuke his own disciples for wanting to seek revenge on a Samaritan village – and then speaks about the need for us to let go of many things to follow his way of grace-filled life.  Galatians 5 uplifts the refreshing gift of the Spirit’s fruit:  love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, generosity, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control!!!        One of the most powerful things we do is nurture the loving way of Jesus and the Spirit’s fruit in our youth.  This Sunday, we offer a special blessing for 7 of our teens headed off to campfirmation at Lutheridge.   Be sure to be present to pray for Alyssa, Ella, Dallas, Garrett, Josh, Lucas, and Wesley.        We had such a powerful worship experience last Sunday with Tom Willingham’s sharing about the quilt made from his father’s ties – and the solo by Bob Turnmire.   This Sunday, there is more special music by our choir -and the sending hymn which won our weekly vote, “Soon & Very Soon!” #SundayWorship