Transfiguration of Our Lord Sunday

We pray that you have felt God’s presence and love in your life this week, in every way you have needed that reassurance and strength! We continue to hold in our prayers all affected by the Turkey-Syrian earthquake, the war in Ukraine, & ongoing acts of violence in so many communities… This weekend is the final Sunday of the Epiphany Season, as we celebrate the Transfiguration of Jesus, with special handbell music, choir anthem, and prelude by one of our youth! We also have a tremendous celebration of the Rite of Confirmation for Garrett Flores, Daniel Hampton, and Hunter Prest. We encourage everyone to come for this 10:30 worship celebration – to show your support and join in prayers of blessing for these amazing young disciples! There will be a brief time to greet them, with light refreshments, following the service… Next Tuesday, our Youth sponsor their annual Shrove Tuesday Pancake supper. They’ll be serving from 5:30-6:40 in the Fellowship Hall – followed by the inspiring Burning of the Palms at 6:45. If you saved your palm branch from last year’s Palm Sunday, please remember to bring it with you. Ash Wednesday Worship will be held at Noon & 6:45 with imposition of ashes & Holy Communion. Spread the word about our drive-up Ashes to Go, offered from 8-10am and 3-6pm here in the LS parking lot and also at Lake Carolina Town Center. Next week, we also begin our Friday Night Lenten Fish Fry’s. The famous Fishin’ Fellas fish truck from 2 years ago returns from 5-7 in the parking lot. You can drive thru & take your food home, or come inside to eat in the fellowship hall. Invite neighbors & friends. Finally, Sunday, Feb. 26 is our “Growing in God’s Hope” kickoff, with a big congregation-wide gathering of everyone in the fellowship hall between services. This weekend, on Transfiguration Sunday, we hear the voice of God thundering on the mountaintop, affirming Jesus as God’s beloved – and we hear Jesus’ own words for his overwhelmed disciples, “Get up & do not be afraid!” I pray you hear God’s voice affirming you, too, as God’s beloved child everyday. Whatever overwhelms you, know that Jesus is there for you: “Get up & do not be afraid!” he says. As we prepare for this special Confirmation Sunday, we look forward to all being together for an amazing time of joy! Christ’s peace!