Yet another week in life’s journey with Jesus; and every day, we give thanks to God for the blessings of love and grace and forgiveness and power that God provides for navigating all of life’s ups and downs. You are so special to God – and loved so very much! What a tremendous celebration last Sunday, with Pastor Jesse and the students from Lutheran Campus Ministry. This Sunday, we’re excited to have the next event in our series focusing on Emotional-Mental Wellness & Health. Award-winning counselor Gia Gonzalez travels all the way from Spartanburg to offer a workshop focusing on Strategies & Helpful Tools for Managing Daily Family Stress. It will be from 4:00-5:30 Sunday afternoon, so that friends, extended family, and community members can attend. Childcare is provided – help spread the word and invite someone to join you. Saturday at 2, we gather in worship to celebrate the life of our sister in Christ, Margaret Blank. Then, Sunday morning, we have a special sharing moment to kick off our Generosity emphasis, plus a powerful Thanksgiving Moment from Garrett, one of our youth group members. There is inspiring choir quartet music, “To God be the Glory” – and we continue to light a candle of hope with special prayers for the people of Israel & Gaza, as well as Ukraine. We’ll also be packing 70 food backpacks before and after worship. Next Wednesday, we have Rush Hour Ministry, plus our final Football Ministry on Thursday. And don’t forget our big community Trunk-r-Treat event on Reformation Sunday, Oct 29, from 4-6:30, with Bratwursts from Lutheran Men. Please continue your prayers for our 6 youth who will be confirmed on Reformation Sunday morning! On Sunday, Jesus reminds us about giving to God the things that are God’s: our hearts, our lives, our very being. The apostle Paul has uplifting words: “We always give thanks to God for all of you and mention you in our prayers, constantly remembering before our God & Father your work of faith & labor of love & steadfastness of hope in our Lord Jesus Christ!” What a tremendous community of disciples you are. We look forward to being together in worship this Sunday! Christ’s Peace!