Disciple Dots (Page 6)

During Easter 2014, we began to place dots on maps to represent places where the Spirit led us to be disciples. We continue this part of our Mission Vision and invite you to join in.

Place a red dot for your home address (home base of daily mission). Place multiple blue dots for other places that the Spirit sends you during the week to accomplish God’s mission with your actions, words, work, attitudes, witness, and the presence of the Risen Christ in you! Note that there are separate state/US maps and a globe for spots outside the Columbia area.

Has God worked a disciple moment through you or someone else during the week? Please fill in a Disciple Dot Form found in the menu above and share the story of God’s work. This isn’t about what “we” are doing, but about all that our amazing God is doing! Don’t hide under a basket the light of God’s ongoing work!

Pay It Forward

My husband and I got out of our car to shop at Aldi the other day. As we started to walk toward the store, I asked if he had grabbed a quarter out of the car to get a shopping cart. He stopped dead in his tracks and said he had not. As he said…

Spark Camp

Every year, we simply do not know what powerful things God will work through our SPARK Camp event at Living Springs.   This year, the Spirit was again working through everything that happened, but I was personally blessed to be involved with our Sr. Youth and see God at work through the 22 amazing young people who…

From August 2014

The Spirit put my fiancé and I in the right place at the right time. We witnessed a man toss his 10 week old puppy off a 3rd story balcony in anger.  This man was living on the couch of his friend’s apartment and the friend told the man he had to leave – –…

From August 2014

This one day we were driving down Main Street and God led us to a woman sitting on the ground by a stop sign.  She had grocery bags filled with stuff and a suitcase nearby.  We didn’t know if she needed anything, but I wanted to give her one of our Blessing Bags that I…

From August 2014

As we were passing out flyers advertising Spark Camp and information about Living Springs, we came upon a house in Lake Carolina that was badly charred from a fire. We stopped, feeling the Spirit with us, and prayed for the people of the house that they had been spared any injury to themselves and to…

From August 2014

It was a hot Saturday afternoon when the kids and I were running errands before vacation and we decided to grab a quick dinner at Buffalo Wild Wings on Two Notch Road.  When we pulled up we noticed there was a RC Car Race (remote controlled cars race around a little track), so we decided to…