Sermons by Rev. Carl Taylor (Page 5)

Fourth Sunday In Advent

As we approach the final week of Advent, we sense the light of God’s hope shining in our lives, and the call to prepare the way of the Lord brings meaning in deep and powerful ways amid all life’s challenges! Excitement is growing for our big Live Outdoor Nativity, Saturday and Sunday night at 7.…

Twenty-Third Sunday after Pentecost

Generosity Intent Sunday On this 23rd Sunday after Pentecost, we hear Jesus’ words about ominous things that occur in the world – and yet, he reminds us to not be afraid, because he is with us to provide what we need to be faithful in our witness. Paul reminds us not to be idle in…

19th Sunday After Pentecost

Pray always. Do not lose heart. This is Christ’s encouragement in the gospel today. Wrestle with the word. Remember your baptism again and again. Come regularly to Christ’s table. Persistence in our every encounter with the divine will be blessed.

Fifteenth Sunday After Pentecost

This weekend, we’re excited to celebrate our annual Living Springs Child Development Center Sunday. We will hear powerful hope moments, sign thank-you notes for our frontline staff, and offer prayers of blessing for our students & families who are part of this important ministry, which continues to impact so many lives in its 21st year!…

Thirteenth Sunday after Pentecost – 9/4/22

Here, on Labor Day weekend, we pause to give thanks for all who perform so many daily labors that make life flourish – many of whom go unnoticed each day: factory workers, farm laborers, educators, healthcare workers, first responders, military personnel, restaurant & grocery store workers, mechanics, plumbers, electricians, construction workers, day laborers, landscape workers,…

10th Sunday after Pentecost – 8/14/22

 With the school year arriving, here on the 10 th Sunday after Pentecost, we are excited about our Blessing of the Schoolbags for teachers and students of every age this Sunday. Our annual school supply drive continues through Sunday as well. Also, it will be our 3 rd Summer Hope Sunday – with a visit…

Seventh Sunday after Pentecost

Here, on the 7th Sunday after Pentecost, Psalm 138 has words of encouragement for us all: “When I called, O Lord, you answered me – you increased my strength within me. You will make good your purpose for me – O Lord, your steadfast love endures forever!” We had a wonderful celebration of Christmas in…

Third Sunday after Pentecost

Here at the end of a sweltering hot week, we are reminded of even the simplest joy in a summer rain shower, the shade provided by a tree, or the coolness of a small breeze.  In Sunday’s lessons, we hear about another type of heat – caused when we human beings fail to love our…

Holy Trinity Sunday – 6/12/22

The grace of our Lord Jesus Christ, the love of God, and the communion of the Holy Spirit be with you all! Every Sunday, we share those words to remind each of us that we do have the grace, love, and fellowship of our God to sustain us throughout life’s journey, with all its trials…