Sermons by Rev. Eric Fink (Page 11)

Twelfth Sunday after Pentecost 8-23-20

This Sunday, we hear how Jesus journeys with his disciples into a region filled with symbols of many gods worshipped by the world. Jesus asks his disciples an important question, “Who do YOU say that I am?” – and Simon speaks an answer of faith given to him by God.   Simon’s confession about Jesus as…

Eleventh sunday after Pentecost

This Sunday, we will hear Jesus’ teaching about the words that come from our mouth, and how they reflect the content of our hearts. We also hear how he travels into a foreign land. There, Jesus brings healing to a woman’s suffering daughter – and uplifts the “great faith” he finds in that woman, who…

Ninth Sunday after Pentecost – 8/2/20

In today’s first reading God invites all who are hungry or thirsty to receive food and drink without cost. Jesus feeds the hungry multitude and reveals the abundance of God. At the eucharistic table we remember all who are hungry or poor in our world today. As we share the bread of life, we are…

Eighth Sunday after Pentecost 7/26/20

This Sunday, we hear the wonderful imagery of Jesus’ parables regarding the Kingdom of Heaven (the realm/reign of God’s empire of love which Jesus proclaims has come near for all):   a tiny mustard seed, yeast for bread, a valuable treasure, fine pearls, a net cast for fish.  We also hear a timeless & timely question…