12th Sunday after Pentecost – 8/15/2021

In the midst of all the ongoing challenges thrown at us by the world, we continue to lift up our theme of HOPE, rejoicing that we are formed and grounded in GOD’s hope – our God who provides us with hoping-coping skills and empowers us to be active hope-agents for others in a hurting world. I truly give thanks for all the ways God’s light of HOPE shines in each of you every day! This Sunday, we offer our annual blessing of School Bags for students of all ages, as well as teachers & educators. As the school year begins, we hear Sunday’s lessons speak a lot about wisdom – living as people filled with the Holy Spirit, understanding the will of the Lord, and rejoicing in Jesus’ promise: “I am the living bread come down from heaven!” I look forward to worshipping with you Sunday and sharing that amazing grace-filled bread of life.

At LS, we continue our Summer Hope focus, with special 5-minute pre-worship Prayer Times to be still & know that God is God, amidst all life’s storms. At 8:10 & 10:25, it is also possible to have the pastor come offer special prayer with you in the pews, should there be a particular burden on your heart. At 8:15, worship is in the sanctuary. At 10:30, worship how you choose – in the sanctuary, from the parking lot, on the lawn, or online. For those who are out-of-town or vacationing, continue to spread the word about our 10:30 livestream on Facebook & YouTube!