Sermons (Page 13)

Seventh Sunday of Easter – 5/29/22

Christ is risen indeed! Alleluia! This Sunday, we arrive at day 43 of the glorious 50-day Easter season, which culminates in just one more week, with the great celebration of Pentecost on June 5. (Note: this past Thursday, day 40 of Easter season, was the Day of Ascension, when Christians across the world remember how…

Sixth Sunday of Easter

Christ is risen indeed! Alleluia! This Sunday, we arrive at day 36 of the glorious 50-day Easter season, rejoicing in Christ’s eternal victory of life & love. We celebrate Youth Sunday, with our Youth sharing special messages of how they have experienced God’s hope in their lives. Our youth inspire us in so many ways…

Fourth Sunday of Easter/Mother’s Day 2022

This Sunday is day #22 of the ongoing 50-Day Easter Season, as we continue to rejoice in Christ’s victory of life & love – and the HOPE which fills our hearts to carry us through all life’s challenges. The words of the Risen Jesus continue to echo in our hearts, “Peace be with you!” This…

Third Sunday of Easter 2022

This Sunday will be Day 15 in the ongoing 50-day season of Easter! As shown by Christ’s resurrection, we continue to celebrate the truth that God’s love & hope will always have ultimate victory over death & every power of darkness in the world! Last Sunday, we heard how the Risen Lord came to offer…

SEcond Sunday of Easter

2nd Sunday of Easter Christ Is Risen! Alleluia! The joyful sounds of Easter morning continue to echo in our hearts & minds! The HOPE of God that burst forth from the tomb truly was felt in worship on Easter Sunday with all the singing, bells, butterflies, flowers, prayers and praise of God – and now…

Easter Sunday 2022

How powerful it was to gather as God’s people on Good Friday and carry the large wooden cross on Clemson Road– to remember everything Jesus endured for us that we might have life. If you missed our emotional Maundy Thursday or Good Friday evening worship services, be sure to check them out online. It is…

Good Friday 2022

The service begins and ends in silence. Both before and after worship tonight, we refrain from conversation in solemn reverence and remembrance of our Lord’s crucifixion.   Thank you! The dimly-lighted sanctuary serves as a reminder of the awful consequence of sin and the darkness that feel upon the earth on the Friday when Jesus was crucified. “And it was…

Maundy Thursday 2022

This evening our Lenten observance comes to an end, and we gather with Christians around the world to celebrate the Three Days of Jesus’ death and resurrection. Tonight we remember Christ’s last meal with his disciples, but the central focus is his commandment that we live out the promise embodied in this meal. As Jesus…

Palm/Passion Sunday Worship – 4/10/22

As we prepare to celebrate Palm Sunday and enter into the holiest week of our lives, we find our hearts overwhelmed with all Jesus suffered for us in Jerusalem – and rejoice in the forgiveness Jesus offers & the victory of God’s love for all the world! On Sunday, worship begins on the lawn at…