Sermons (Page 14)

5th Sunday in Lent 4/6/55

Here, in the 5th Week of Lent, we find our hearts being drawn closer & closer to the cross of Jesus – and knowing the depth of his love & forgiveness for every one of us. It’s so wonderful to see the sanctuary filling up again, especially at our 10:30 service! On this final Sunday…

fourth Sunday in Lent – 3/27/22

On this 4th Sunday in Lent, we are overwhelmed by the message of God’s reconciling grace! In response to leaders “grumbling” about his ministry, Jesus tells the story of a father who joyfully welcomes home a young prodigal son – but also takes time to care for a resentful older son. The apostle Paul reminds…

Third Sunday In Lent Sunday Worship – 3/20/22

The warnings are plentiful and blunt on the third Sunday in Lent. Cut it out or get cut down! The warnings are accompanied by God’s invitation to attentiveness: “Incline your ear, and come to me; listen, so that you may live.” The landowner’s ultimatum is forestalled by the gardener’s readiness to till the ground one…

Second Sunday in Lent

This week, in our Lent devotions, we have been reminded of Jesus’ deep compassion for sad, grieving, hurting people – and so too, Jesus’ compassion continues to extend out from the cross to the entire world. Here in Lent, we remain “stretched by the cross” to break through barriers and help others move from surviving…

First Sunday in Lent

These forty days called Lent are like no other. It is our opportune time to return to the God who rescues, to receive the gifts of God’s grace, to believe with the heart and confess with the mouth the wonder of God’s love in Jesus, and to resist temptation at every turn. This is no…