Sermons (Page 17)

21th Sunday after Pentecost – 10/17/2021

This Sunday, Jesus tells us that he came into our world not to be served, but to serve (Mark 10:45). In Isaiah’s ancient words about a “suffering servant” (Isaiah 53:4-12), we are reminded how much Jesus suffered for us, how much he gave for us, how much he humbled himself to show God’s love for…

20th Sunday after Pentecost – 10/10/21

This Sunday, the words of Psalm 90 speak to our hearts, “O Lord, satisfy us by your steadfast love … so shall we rejoice and be glad all our days.” In Mark 10, we meet a man who cannot accept Jesus’ invitation to embrace the freedom of God’s Kingdom because of his attachment to possessions.…

Sunday worship – 19th Sunday after Pentecost

This Sunday, Psalm 8 speaks about the mystery of God’s love for every one of us: “O Lord our Lord, how majestic is your name in all the earth! When I consider your heavens, the work of your fingers…. what are mere mortals that you should be mindful of them, human beings that you should…

18th Sunday after Pentecost – Lutheran Men’s Sunday!

This is a special Sunday here at Living Springs, as we celebrate the witness and ministry of our Lutheran Men. We have several inspiring Hope Moments that will be shared, plus a musical offering by our LS Disciples of Harmony. We are very excited that the men have invited our Seminarian Isaac Taylor to deliver…

17th Sunday after Pentecost

This Sunday, we hear how Jesus takes a little child in his arms as an example to inspire our welcoming all in Jesus’ name. He continues teaching his disciples, whom he overhears arguing about greatness – telling them (and us), “whoever wants to be first must be last of all and servant of all” (Mark…

15th Sunday after Pentecost

This Sunday, we continue to follow Jesus’ journey of bringing hope to so many lives, as recorded in Mark’s gospel (and foretold in the words of the ancient prophet Isaiah and the Old Testament Psalms). We hear how he breaks through so many societal & religious barriers of his day – to bring hope into…

14th Sunday after Pentecost

We had a truly Spirit-filled event last week with our Rally Day “Celebration of Hope!” This Sunday, we return to worship at 8:15 and 10:30. At 8:15, we’re in the sanctuary – and at 10:30, you can worship in the sanctuary, from the parking lot, or join us online. Please spread the word! Prior to…

12th Sunday after Pentecost – 8/15/2021

In the midst of all the ongoing challenges thrown at us by the world, we continue to lift up our theme of HOPE, rejoicing that we are formed and grounded in GOD’s hope – our God who provides us with hoping-coping skills and empowers us to be active hope-agents for others in a hurting world.…

11th Sunday after Pentecost 8/8/21

I am excited because this Sunday, we continue to learn about the “Bread of Life” and how eating this bread gives us eternal life. That is right; Jesus said that the bread He gives for the life of the world is his flesh, and whoever eats this bread has eternal life and will be raised…