Sermons (Page 19)

2nd Sunday after Pentecost

This weekend will be very inspiring, as we celebrate Youth Sunday and offer the Quillow Faith Milestone Blessing for 3 HS graduates – Ben, Emma, Walker.  Our youth met Tuesday night to plan, gathered on Wednesday to prepare special music, and spent Friday evening at church to go over their worship roles & special messages…


The gospel talks about Jesus’ Family and so will I this morning because FAMILY is important….I hope this blesses you this Sunday and beyond. Amen

2nd Sunday after Pentecost

This weekend will be very inspiring, as we celebrate Youth Sunday and offer the Quillow Faith Milestone Blessing for 3 HS graduates – Ben, Emma, Walker.  Our youth met Tuesday night to plan, gathered on Wednesday to prepare special music, and spent Friday evening at church to go over their worship roles & special messages…

Pentecost sunday – 5/23/2021

Oh, what a joyous Sunday this will be, with our celebratory Pentecost worship!  We remember how the disciples waited 10 days for the Ascended Jesus to fulfill the great promise of the pouring out of the Holy Spirit – and how on Pentecost, that Holy Spirit came rushing into their room with the sound of…

Seventh Sunday of Easter – 5/16/2021

On this 7th Sunday of Easter, we ponder some hope-filled events surrounding Jesus’ ascension (which we celebrated this past Thursday, 40 days following Jesus’ Resurrection).  We begin to prepare our hearts for the great celebration of the Holy Spirit on Pentecost, only 1 week away.  At 10:30 Sunday, we celebrate the Baptism of little Maggie…

Sixth Sunday of Easter 5/9/2021

On this 6th Sunday of Easter, we hear Jesus’ uplifting message about abiding in his love, so that his joy may be within us, and our joy may be complete!  Jesus calls us “friends” and reminds us that he has chosen us! Rejoicing in God’s love, we offer prayers of blessing for our moms, grandmoms…

5th Sunday of Easter 2021

Here in spring, on this 5th Sunday of Easter, Jesus uses images of creation to bring us hope:  Jesus is the vine and we are the branches, with God the Creator as the vinegrower.  Pastor Carl has an inspiring message about being branches, with God as our vinedresser.  I will share a special Children’s Message,…

Hope Sunday – 4th Sunday of Easter

This 4th Sunday of Easter is known as Good Shepherd Sunday, as each spring, we ponder the beautiful image of Jesus as our Loving Shepherd.  We are inspired by the words of the 23rd Psalm and reminded of the green pasture/still waters to which our Lord leads us, amid the challenges of life and brokenness…

3rd Sunday of Easter

On this 3rd Sunday of the 50-day Easter Season, we remember how the risen Jesus appeared to his followers in their locked room – to talk with them in confusing times, to eat with them, to give them a peace & hope their world could not provide, and to send them forth with a mission…

2nd Sunday of Easter

The Easter season is a week of weeks, seven Sundays when we play in the mystery of Christ’s presence, mostly through the glorious Gospel of John. Today we gather with the disciples on the first Easter, and Jesus breathes the Spirit on us. With Thomas we ask for a sign, and Jesus offers us his…