Sermons by Rev. Eric Fink (Page 6)

Fifth Sunday after Pentecost – 7/10/22

On this 5th Sunday after Pentecost, we hear 2 “great” commandments: to love the Lord your God with all your heart, soul, mind & strength – and to love your neighbor as yourself. We hear a man try to justify himself by limiting who qualifies as his neighbor – and how Jesus responds with one…

Fourth Sunday after Pentecost – 7/3/22

As we move into July, we celebrate the blessing of freedom to live as God’s people in a troubled world. We think about freedom from the Christian perspective of the apostle Paul in last Sunday’s lesson from Galatians – that freedom is a gift from God not to be used for self-indulgence, but rather it…

Second Sunday after Pentecost – 6/19/22

“Let those who seek the Lord give praise!” Those beautiful words of Psalm 22 will ring out in our hearts and voices this Sunday! It’s been a hot week with a lot still happening in the news. In the midst of it all, we cling to the “Amazing Grace” of God, who is our “Rock…

Pentecost Sunday – 6/5/22

Christ is risen indeed! Alleluia! This Sunday, on the 50th and final day of Easter Season, we join with Christians across the world in celebrating the great festival of Pentecost – the 3rd of the 3 greatest days in our lives (along with Christmas & Easter). We celebrate the gift of the Holy Spirit and…

Third Sunday of Easter 2022

This Sunday will be Day 15 in the ongoing 50-day season of Easter! As shown by Christ’s resurrection, we continue to celebrate the truth that God’s love & hope will always have ultimate victory over death & every power of darkness in the world! Last Sunday, we heard how the Risen Lord came to offer…

SEcond Sunday of Easter

2nd Sunday of Easter Christ Is Risen! Alleluia! The joyful sounds of Easter morning continue to echo in our hearts & minds! The HOPE of God that burst forth from the tomb truly was felt in worship on Easter Sunday with all the singing, bells, butterflies, flowers, prayers and praise of God – and now…

Easter Sunday 2022

How powerful it was to gather as God’s people on Good Friday and carry the large wooden cross on Clemson Road– to remember everything Jesus endured for us that we might have life. If you missed our emotional Maundy Thursday or Good Friday evening worship services, be sure to check them out online. It is…

5th Sunday in Lent 4/6/55

Here, in the 5th Week of Lent, we find our hearts being drawn closer & closer to the cross of Jesus – and knowing the depth of his love & forgiveness for every one of us. It’s so wonderful to see the sanctuary filling up again, especially at our 10:30 service! On this final Sunday…

Third Sunday In Lent Sunday Worship – 3/20/22

The warnings are plentiful and blunt on the third Sunday in Lent. Cut it out or get cut down! The warnings are accompanied by God’s invitation to attentiveness: “Incline your ear, and come to me; listen, so that you may live.” The landowner’s ultimatum is forestalled by the gardener’s readiness to till the ground one…

Second Sunday in Lent

This week, in our Lent devotions, we have been reminded of Jesus’ deep compassion for sad, grieving, hurting people – and so too, Jesus’ compassion continues to extend out from the cross to the entire world. Here in Lent, we remain “stretched by the cross” to break through barriers and help others move from surviving…