Fourteenth Sunday after Pentecost

As we enjoy some beautiful weather to kickoff Labor Day weekend, we hold in prayer all affected by this week’s hurricane, as well as those who continue to recover from Hawaii fires and other disasters. In addition to our prayers, September kicks off our LS Disaster Response. Coins & dollars can be placed in the Sunday bucket; checks marked Disaster Response can be given in the offering; or as always, you can use our online Givelify app. Labor Day Sunday marks the final of our 10-minute pre-worship summer hymn sings, so if you have a favorite hymn, come ready Sunday to make your request. After this Sunday, we transform those pre-worship times to help us focus on our exciting “Journey with Jesus” theme. Here in September, our journey begins with a focus on Jesus’ life. Our Bible chapters for Week 1 will be Luke 1-2 (about Jesus’ birth and childhood). We invite you to use these for home devotions, family table times, car-ride discussions, group Dwellings in the Word, and more. We have discussion/learning gatherings this Sunday at 9:20 and Tuesday at 10am. Next Wednesday at noon, our first “Journey with Jesus” online reading/devotion will be posted as well! Be sure to mark your calendars for our big annual “God’s Work, Our Hands” servant Sunday on Sept. 10. We’ll be preparing, assembling & delivering dozens of meals out in the community. Sign-up to help (or donate desserts) at church, use the online link, or call the office. We will also be packing 70 bags for our Backpack school food ministry. This Sunday, we hear Jesus’ amazing invitation for us to live out his way in the world, by picking up our cross and following Jesus’ own path of self-giving love. The words of Paul from Romans 12 ring out in our hearts: “Do not lag in zeal, be ardent in Spirit, serve the Lord, rejoice in hope … live in harmony with one another … overcome evil with good!” May we all find joy in our ongoing journey with Jesus, as we prepare our hearts to worship together this Sunday! Christ’s Peace. #SundayWorship