Sermons (Page 22)

Christ the King Sunday

This is the final Sunday of our Christian year, when we join with Christians across the world to celebrate that Christ is our Eternal King – and that while we are temporary residents here on earth, we are citizens of Christ’s Kingdom forever!  We hear the words of Jesus, who declares that inasmuch as we…

24th Sunday after Pentecost – 11/15/20

On this next to last Sunday of the Christian year, we hear Jesus’ parable about a master who entrusted 3 servants with an abundance of his treasure. While 2 of the 3 took the risk to double the master’s resources, the last reacted in fear and buried what he had been given. We ponder the…

24th Sunday After Pentecost

We hear another parable of Jesus about the Kingdom of Heaven – with 10 bridesmaids awaiting the joyful arrival of the bridegroom.  We are uplifted by the words of Psalm 70: “Let all who seek the Lord rejoice and be glad in the Lord; let those who love the Lord’s salvation say forever, ‘Great is…

All Saints Sunday – 11/1/2020

Special Music by LS JuBELLation Handbells Prayers & Candle-Lighting for Those Departed in Past Year Day #1 of Veterans’ “Witting Tree” Vigil (hanging of dogtags) We offer prayers of remembrance and thanksgiving for those departed this past year. We hear Jesus list of God’s blessings from the Sermon on the Mount – and the uplifting…

20th Sunday after Pentecost – 10/18/20

This Sunday, we encounter the great wisdom of Jesus, responding to leaders who, in spite of their trickery, unsuccessfully try to de-rail his Kingdom-mission of hope & love for all (Matthew 22:15-22). Jesus extends the wonderful invitation to “give to God the things that are God’s” – knowing that all humanity belongs to God, as…

19th Sunday after Pentecost (10/11/2020)

The Lord is my shepherd, I shall not want. This Sunday, we hear the beautiful and comforting words of Psalm 23. We also hear the words of Isaiah, about our loving God who conquers even death, and acts to wipe away our tears (Isaiah 25:1-9). We are reminded by the apostle Paul that the Lord…

18th Sunday after Pentecost 10/4/20

This Sunday, we hear Jesus’ parable about a Master who, with much love, created a beautiful vineyard – and how he entrusted that vineyard to specially chosen servants, who then did the unthinkable of trying to claim the vineyard as their own. (Matthew 21:33-46). We ponder how even in challenging times, God has still blessed…

17th Sunday after Pentecost 9/27/20

Lutheran Men’s Sunday This Sunday, we hear Jesus’ parable about 2 sons – one who said he would do the work his father asked, but then didn’t do it – the other who did not say yes, but rather responded by doing the work.  We celebrate Lutheran Men’s Sunday, with some powerful personal sharing from…

16th Sunday after Pentecost 9/20/20

This Sunday, we hear the story of Jonah in the Old Testament, who became angry when God forgave his enemies, the people of Ninevah (Jonah 3:10-4:11).  We hear Jesus’ parable (Matthew 20:1-16) about an owner who goes out again and again to find persons for his vineyard – and no matter whether the owner came…